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Law and Literature
by Jeanne Gaakeer
As a reaction to the rule-
Various strands of Law and Literature have developed these past few decades, each focusing on a specific aspect of literature, or language in general, making the question what the term literature means prominent. This shows in the different answers to another question behind the whole enterprise, ‘What can a lawyer learn from literature?’, which inspired James Boyd White as early as 1973 in The Legal Imagination to look upon law as a language that proposes a certain form for the world, and as a cultural competence in the sense of the activities that lawyers perform. Literature is as much taken to comprise the traditional Western canon of literary works, as well as the literary works explictly challenging that canon, as it is taken to be the study of language and the study of culture in a broad sense. This diversity may give rise to criticism from a methodological point of view – although a single methodology is precisely what Law and Literature opposes -
The basic claim is that reading literature forces us to step back from the technicalities of law. On this view, law as a cultural phenomenon is the subject of research. Works of fiction can illustrate a legal point of view from a different perspective and thus enhance our understanding of law and the legal system and of our own performances as lawyers. Traditionally, the origin of this line of thought is traced back to John Wigmore's 1908 publication of a list of `legal novels'. The list contained four categories of novels that in various ways paid attention to law, from novels in which a trial-
Reading literary works and trying to make sense of them is also seen as a possibility to redirect the lawyer's attention to the fact that both legal and literary interpretation demands our active participation which subsequently should promote awareness of our own role in the act of creation of meaning. The outcome of any process of interpretation is never given beforehand, neither in literature, nor in law. We make rather than find law. With language as a form of human behavior, the central task of both law and literature is seen as a coming to terms with an author’s or speaker’s claim for meaning. This leads us to the core of hermeneutics and semiotics, and to what is generally called the `Law as Literature' branch of Law and Literature. Following Benjamin Cardozo's seminal article `Law and Literature' with its claim that developing a feeling for language and literary style would benefit any lawyer in his professional writing, emphasis was originally put on the ideosyncracies of legal language. Nowadays, we witness a tremendous proliferation of subjects and approaches ranging from the analysis of rhetorical aspects of judicial opinions, to theoretical studies of law and legal texts, varying from Peircean semiotics to the development of a legal epistemology based on a concept of narrative as a general ordering principle of meaningful action. Statutory and constitutional interpretation are prominent subjects within this strand in which traditional views of legal hermeneutics, such as the `plain meaning' approach and intentionalism, are challenged, often from a deconstructionist point of view, following Derrida and Foucault. Adherents of Critical Legal Studies often use deconstruction as a tool for unmasking the rule of law, that is for `trashing' law so that it will reveal its true ideological core. Opponents of deconstruction, and there are many within Law and Literature, claim that this is a nihilistic form of interpretation that leads to an infinite regress of interpretive claims. Of special interest is the debate between Ronald Dworkin and Stanley Fish on Dworkin's claim regarding the validity of the `chain novel' concept for a theory of adjudication. Dworkin proposes a normative concept of law as an interpretive practice with its own internal coherence in the tradition of Gadamerian hermeneutics. Fish opposes Dworkin's thesis that there is a difference between the originator of the chain and later interpreters. For him, the one who starts the chain encounters problems comparable to the ones later authors have to face. Thus, the assumption that there is an Archimedean point from which to ground the enterprise and every interpretation in it, is false. The value of the debate on interpretation in general is that we are forced to confront the question whether or not it is possible, or even desirable, to develop a theory of legal hermeneutics that can tell us, prior to the act of interpretation, how to discern a valid interpretation in law from an arbitrary one.
Another strand focuses on the way in which jurisprudence can benefit from a liaison with literary theories in order to give the idea that law can be seen as a form of story-
On the question whether law is a mere system of rules or a culture of argument addressing questions of value, the late Robert Cover’s work is seminal. Its central theme is an ethical theme; it is the conflict between law and other normative worlds, and the judge’s role in it. According to Cover, the normative world of law not only consists of rules but also of a language, or a narrative as the backdrop of the rule. Therefore, legal interpretation cannot forgo the constitutive narratives of the nomos that law is, whether they be about law's violence or about the mediating forces of law. The narrative paradigm, i.e. the idea that we are all born into a world of stories that constitute to a large part our own lives, implies an image of man as the author who interprets and subsequently helps form the stories -
Yet another flourishing trend proposes any discussion on aspects of law and legal theory to incorporate the idea that literature appeals to the emotion as well as to the intellect, and that this quality represents a valuable trait that lawyers can benefit from. Literary-
Today Law and Literature has got a firm institutional foothold. Most American law schools offer introductory courses in the field, and many include advanced seminars in their academic curriculum. Numerous American Bar Associations approve Law and Literature seminars for CLE credit for legal professionals. In Europe, the humanist tradition in law has a long history, so it should come as no surprise that Law and Literature as a movement in legal theory enjoys a growing interest as well as institutional support, both in legal education and research. It is obvious that Law and Lit, as it is often affectionately called, is here to stay in legal theory.
critical legal studies, deconstructivist philosophy of law, dworkin, ronald, feminist jurisprudence, hermeneutical legal theory, interdisciplinarity, Interpretation of law, legal education and legal theory, legal ethics, narration, narrativism in the law, values in the law,
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